Mudchute lambs and ducklings on ITV This Moring
Did you spot our newest twin lambs and adorable Aylesbury ducklings on ITV's "This Morning" show this morning? They were on the programme live alongside Adam Henson. Ewe and lambs were very settled on set, relaxing among the straw bales. Despite a little London traffic, they had a relaxing journey to and from the studios, taking it all in their stride. The twins even got the nicknames Phillip and Holly!The programme also featured some of our young Aylesbury ducklings, which are adorable yellow balls of down and their own duckling cam!Missed the show? You can watch on demand at ITV here and appear about 1 hour and 20 minutes into the programme.
Living on a city farm, our animals are accustomed to a bustling environment and lots of visitors. This means they are calm, confident and relaxed in a range of unusual situations and our experienced farm team can also advise on ensuring conditions are suitable whether on or off site. If you are looking for farmyard cameos or extras, get in touch by emailing us at to find out how we can work together!