The Hatch and Brood activities are available with an introductory Educational session conducted by a fully trained member of the Mudchute team at your school; all equipment and any requested teacher’s notes will be brought to your school.
Incubate and rear chicks or ducklings as a term time project. All equipment for incubation and rearing will be supplied along with eggs.
Teacher’s notes: you will receive a pack detailing the method of incubating and caring for newly hatched chicks within the classroom environment. Support is available throughout the project if there are any questions. A worksheet suitable for Key stage 1&2 is available if requested. This activity is suitable for Key stage 1,2 and nursery children.
The Hatch and Brood programme will be set around term dates and we will aim for eggs to hatch midweek rather than weekends. Once hatched the chicks or ducklings can be kept for a maximum of two weeks, after which time they will be brought back to be reared here at the farm.
For further information
To book a school visit or to get more information please contact hatchandbrood@mudchute.org