Dexter Cattle
Dexter Cattle are the smallest British breed of cattle. Dexters trace their origins to the South Western region of Ireland and were first documented in a report on Irish cattle written in 1845. The breed made their way to England in 1882 and were first shown at the Royal Show at Norwich in 1886.
A dual-purpose breed, Dexters are bred for both their meat and milk and are known for both their early maturation and longevity. Dexters produce a rich milk, relatively high in butterfat (4%), similar to that of a Jersey cow. A Dexter cow can produce 2-2.5 gallons (7.6-9.5 litres) per day.
Dexters have thick curved horns, but can also be polled (have their horns removed). You will note that one of our cows has horns, while the other is polled. Dexters come in three solid colours, black, red and dun, with the most common being black. Dexter cows have an average weight of 300 - 350 Kg's and stand 92cm -107cm at the shoulder, although they are shown in both a short-legged and non-short variety. Our cows are of the short-legged variety and have notably short stature.
You can find out more about Dexter cattle from the Dexter Cattle Society.